11.00 - 12.00

Arletta Miciukiewicz-Dutt | Patent Attorney
Karolina Brzezińska | Legal Counsel

Go Global! Protect your intellectual property and conquer global markets!

During the workshops, we will talk about how a properly selected strategy for protecting industrial property rights helps interior design companies achieve market success in Poland and around the world, as well as online. We will discuss the types of intellectual property rights and their application in the world of design and home furnishings. We will tell you what to remember to safely introduce a product to the market and how to manage a portfolio of exclusive rights to make a profit. And all this with the use of interesting examples. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions during the workshops and to talk to experts after the meeting.

12.00 - 12.30

Coffee Break and Networking

12.30 - 14:00

Magdalena Maksimowska | Patent Attorney
Karolina Brzezińska | Legal Counsel
Małgorzata Trejgis | Patent Attorney
Wojciech Godziński | Architect

Discussion panel

Intellectual property protection in design - is it worth it? A conversation between experts.

Experts will talk about practical aspects of protecting and managing intellectual property rights in interior design companies. We will find out why companies protect industrial property rights and who has the rights to an interior design created by an external entity. Panelists will talk about the benefits and costs of protecting exclusive rights and how to deal with copying and violations of design rights.

14.00 - 14:30

Coffee Break and Networking

14:30 - 15.30

Joanna Janoszek | National and European patent attorney
mec. Małgorzata Furmańska | Legal advisor


Old furniture or new design - what is originality today and how to protect it?

Practitioners' discussion on legal protection of design and copyright.

The starting point for considerations will be the question what is originality in the interior design industry today and where does copying begin? We will consider when copying may be permitted and when it may result in various types of legal liability. We will show you how to protect innovative solutions against infringements and ensure that the rights of third parties are not violated. Based on examples from the world of design, we will tell you how to prepare for possible disputes and what strategy to choose. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions during the workshops and talk to experts after the meeting.

15:30 - 16:30

Networking and Conclusion

CONFERENCE "Individual heating devices for renewable biomass".

12:00 - 12:20

Prof. Tadeusz Juliszewski | Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie

"Why we need to fight for the use of biomass for heating"

12:20 - 12:40

Krzysztof Woźniak | Sekretarz Rady Naukowej Polskiego Forum Klimatycznego

"Campaign Wood - Positive Energy and Ecology"

12:40 - 13.00

Konrad Kućmierz | Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Kominki i Piece

"Psychological and family benefits of heating with wood"

13:20 - 13:40

Wojciech Perek | ekspert Kampanii Drewno – Pozytywna Energia

"Current and Future Legal Issues in Biomass Heating"

The National Association of Home Stagers invites you to a free home staging conference

Home staging conferenceis addressed to home stagers, designers, interior decorators, architects and private individuals planning to sell or rent their property. The conference aims to educate and popularize the home stager profession in Poland.



12:00 - 13:00

Joanna Popławska | Prezes OSHS, HOME FOR ME.

Home staging is a profession, home stager is a profession!

OSHS - goals, mission, activities, team.

13:00 - 13:30

Agata Witkowicz | Homestagerki Online
Dorota Skubis | Dorota Skubis Studio Wnętrz

Interior designer, decorator and home stager - differences and common parts.

13:30 - 14:00

Agnieszka Bischoff | Czarujący Dom

5 basic mistakes that are repeated in home staging projects.

14:00 - 14:30

Maria Ernst- Zduniak | Domowe Metamorfozy

There is no home staging without decluttering.

14:30 - 15:00

Małgorzata Pietrzak | Inwestuj w Łodzi

Metamorphoses like from TV - ways to increase the value of real estate.

15:00 - 15:30

Agnieszka Soika | vice-Prezes OSHS, Space Staging

How to cooperate with a furniture and accessories rental company - discussion panel with representatives of the following companies: Studio Bee, Interior Scenography.

15:30 -16:00

End of the conference