International Congress For The Interior Industry

October 22 - 25, 2025

To the conference remains:

250 days 18 hours 23 minutes 5 seconds

Participate in the industry events as part of the Design Trends Congress:

Select one of the following to find out more.


Wybierz kongres

We invite you to participate - detailed programme of the event

Main Zone 1 | Fire Hall | Hall D

Breakfast meeting #8

Środa, 23 października | 09:00 – 12:30

Zobacz program

Design story

Czwartek, 24 października | 10:00 – 17:00

Zobacz program

From experience

Piątek, 25 października | 10:00 – 17:00

Zobacz program

A day of good living with DesignNature

Sobota, 26 października | 10:00 – 17:00

Zobacz program

Main Zone 2 | Water Hall | Hall B

Calmly about interiors LIVE

Środa, 23 października | 10:00 – 17:00

Zobacz program

Business and development [in a changing world].

Czwartek, 24 października | 10:00 – 17:00

Zobacz program

An industry to overhaul?

Piątek, 25 października | 10:00 – 17:00

Zobacz program

On the subject of

Sobota, 26 października | 10:00 – 17:00

Zobacz program

Workshop zone 1 | Air hall | Hall D

CAD Decor PRO - potential and new possibilities

Środa, 23 października | 10:30 – 13:30

Zobacz program

ChatGPT - best practices in the use of artificial intelligence

Środa, 23 października | 14:00 – 17:00

Zobacz program

KIS List - structured project and costing in minutes

Czwartek, 24 października | 10:30 – 12:00

Zobacz program

KIS List - project management and process automation

Czwartek, 24 października | 12:00 – 13:30

Zobacz program

SketchUp: the power of simple solutions

Czwartek, 24 października | 14:30 – 17:00

Zobacz program

From zero to hero: external modelling in 3ds Max

Piątek, 25 października | 10:30 – 13:30

Zobacz program

FORMLY - effective project management

Piątek, 25 października | 14:30 – 17:00

Zobacz program

CAD Decor + AI: building competitive advantage

Sobota, 26 października | 10:30 – 13:30

Zobacz program

AI tools in interior design

Sobota, 26 października | 14:30 – 17:00

Zobacz program

Workshop zone 2 | Hall D

Design acoustics and increase property value

Środa, 23 października | 10:30 – 13:30

Zobacz program

Shine a Light on Welfare

Czwartek, 24 października | 10:30 – 13:00

Zobacz program

From designer to influencer

Czwartek, 24 października | 14:00 – 16:00

Zobacz program

Medical design - is it for me?

Piątek, 25 października | 10:30 – 13:30

Zobacz program

Beauty Design Pro: creative space and business design

Piątek, 25 października | 14:00 – 17:00

Zobacz program

Playgrounds: how to create spaces full of joy and possibility?

Sobota, 26 października | 10:30 – 13:00

Zobacz program

Interior materials for the well-being of people and the planet

Sobota, 26 października | 14:00 – 17:00

Zobacz program

Zone #WspieramPolskiDesign - reactivation | Hall F

#WspieramPolskiDesign – reactivation

23 – 26 października 2024 | 10:30 – 17:00

Zobacz program

Old Walls Zone | Hall D

The future of the old walls

Środa, 23 października | 10:00 – 17:00

Zobacz program

Broadly on revitalisation

Czwartek, 24 października | 10:00 – 17:00

Zobacz program

Modern technology in old walls

Piątek, 25 października | 10:00 – 17:00

Zobacz program

Investment in old walls

Sobota, 26 października | 10:00 – 17:00

Zobacz program

We would like to invite you to our zone during the Home fair at Ptak Warsaw Expo, where every day at 12:00 we will be presenting live table decorations using our unique Lovely Linen products!
Each day at 12:00 we will be decorating two tables, presenting a variety of styles and inspirations that can transform your interior.

23 October (Wednesday) - 12:00 pm

• Rustic style with natural elements
• Elegant design in warm autumn colours

24 October (Thursday) - 12:00 p.m.

• Minimalism and simplicity in shades of beige and grey
• Table arrangement with greenery - natural and fresh decor

25 October (Friday) - 12:00 p.m.

• Romantic styling in shades of pink - a delicate and subtle table arrangement
• Table arrangement with red - bold and elegant accents

26 October (Saturday) - 12:00 p.m.

• The table for special occasions - elegance and sophistication
• Autumn inspiration with linen napkins and runners

Come and see how our Lovely Linen products can enhance your interior, creating unique, elegant arrangements!

Studio Muratora

( 23.10.2024 )
Event programme:

Murator Guest:
With Mr. Artur Pęksyk, Member of the Board of Directors, Sales and Marketing Director from PORTA KMI POLAND, the editor-in-chief of Murator will talk about the situation on the market of the joinery industry.

Guest of Architektura-murator:
Artur Celiński editor-in-chief of Architektura-murator will talk with Ms. Octavia Wasielewska from the Association of Landscape Architects. The topic of the conversation will be landscape in architecture.

The editor-in-chief of Architektura-murator will talk with Mr. Michal Leszczynski from the Polish Association of Real Estate Developers about the legal challenges of urban planning reforms.

The editor-in-chief of Architektura-murator will interview Maciej Jakub Zawadzki, owner of MJZ Studio, the topic of their conversation – New ways of building – reuse of materials and prefabrication .

Murator editors host representatives of the construction industry in short conversations about trends in the market of building materials and services for the coming season.

Murator podcasts live!
“Masonry Clash. Brick or wooden house?” – argue editors Piotr Laskowski and Radoslaw Murat in the show episode of their construction podcast series Murowane Clcie.

Artur Celiński
Piotr Laskowski

National Association of Home StagersII Conference on Home Staging

The conference is aimed at home stagers, interior designers and decorators, architects as well as individuals planning to sell or rent their property. The conference aims to educate and popularize the profession of home stager in Poland.

The Conference will cover topics and issues in the professional preparation of real estate for sale and rental. Experienced experts will share their knowledge and practical tips.

The National Association of Home Stagers was established to support the interests of the entire professional group and to ensure the professionalism of services. Our goal is to build awareness and spread knowledge about home staging in Poland. Our mission is to develop the home staging market based on the highest standard of services provided. Our Ordinary Members are experienced home stagers. Their work and knowledge has been verified by us, so we can recommend them.

When: 25 October 2024. 11:00 - 15:00Location: Main Stage - Hall F

Admission is free – additional registration is not required.

We will announce the detailed program of the Conference soon

11:00 - 11:45

Home Staging - a profession combining beautiful interiors and real estate

Speaker: Joanna Popławska, President of OSHS Joanna Popławska

11:45 - 12:15

Smartphone real estate video

Speaker: Magda Marzec

12:15 - 12:45

Pricing models for client work - panel discussion

Moderator: Agnieszka Soika vice - President of OSHS
Guests: Joanna Wojtulska, Magda Liske - Osiałowska


Talents in interiors

Speaker: Agnieszka Jabłońska

13:30 - 14:00

Home staging the masculine way

Speaker: Dawid Bobyk

14:00 - 14:45

Preparing a flat for short-term rental - a single flat versus a whole flat package

Speaker: Karolina Targiel

14:45 - 15:00

Q&A session or questions and answers


Joanna Popławska
Magda Marzec
Agnieszka Soika
Magdalena Liske-Osiałowska
Asia Wojtulska
Małgorzata Pietrzak
Agnieszka Jabłońska
Dawid Boby
Karolina Targiel

Premiere of AiHouse - A new tool for interior designers!

On October 23-26, Lignumsoft will present the cutting-edge AiHouse software, which has the potential to revolutionize the way interior designers work. This is a unique opportunity to be among the first to discover the innovative capabilities of this software, to see it in action live. Special guest will be AiHouse producer Bill Tsai

Bill Tsai

Official launch: Main Stage, Hall F


October 23, 2024 | 11:00 am

October 23, 2024 | 14:30

Workshop: Conference room 1 Hall C

Own equipment required.

October 23, 2024 | 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

October 24, 2024 | 13:30 - 15:30

October 25, 2024 | 13:30 - 15:30

October 26, 2024 | 13:30 - 15:30

Registration for the training is mandatory:

Why It's Worth It.

AiHouse is an advanced interior design software that combines a wide range of features dedicated to both novice and experienced designers. One of the key elements of this tool is a catalog containing more than 80 million 3D models, ready for rendering. The catalog is also systematically expanded to include a library of Polish brands and manufacturers, and access to the public model library is free. Automating design documentation and pricing is one of AiHouse’s most important features. The program automatically creates technical drawings in CAD format, which can be downloaded as PDF files. In addition, AiHouse makes it easy to prepare a project estimate by generating a list of necessary materials and a purchasing list with prices and links to manufacturers’ websites, available in spreadsheet format. AiHouse is also distinguished by its cloud-based rendering technology, which makes it possible to create photo-realistic visualizations in an extremely short time. Everything is done

is done in a web browser, and high-quality HD renderings can be achieved in two minutes. As a result, users don’t need to invest in expensive high-performance hardware that other CAD solutions require. The software also offers a Cinematic 8K module, which allows the mapping of material structure and lighting in a way that provides a photo-quality effect.

Learn more:

Training and special offers:

During the fair, Lignumsoft is organizing free certified AiHouse training courses. This is an opportunity to improve your skills and earn a certificate, which will be an additional asset in the market of interior designers. In addition, participants in the training can take advantage of an offer – the purchase of AiHouse by October 28 entitles you to two months of use of the program free of charge and a 50% discount on subsequent training.

Contest with prizes:

During the fair, there will also be an AiHouse contest organized by Lignumsoft for training participants. Participants will have the opportunity to work on the latest AiHouse software, using its advanced features to create unique interior designs. The three best works will be awarded – the main prize is as much as 5000 PLN, the prize for the second place is a license for 1 year of AiHouse VIP, and the prize for the third place is a license for 6 months of AiHouse VIP.

For more details about the training and the competition, please visit:

You are cordially invited to visit the LignumSoft booth at the Warsaw Home & Contract Fair – Hall D.1.12 and Conference Room 1 in Hall C. Our team will be available to present the full capabilities of the AiHouse program and answer any questions. Don’t miss this unique opportunity!

Day 1 (23.10)Location Exhibition Studio | Hall C

12:30 - 13:30

Trade Fair Medal Ceremony

Day 2 (24.10)Location Exhibition Studio | Hall C

12:30 - 13:00

Trade Fair Medal Ceremony

Trends panel and presentations of exhibitors

Main Stage | Hall F

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11:00 - 12:00

Adam Wileński
Bill Tsai

Official launch of AiHouse design software

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12:00 - 12:40

WAYNERR® Swiss - Dr. Vladas Snieckus
WAYNERR® Polska - Remigiusz Kuczuba

WAYNERR® - innovative Swiss products for interior design and healthy housing.

During the presentation, you will learn more about the innovative WAYNERR® technology dedicated to construction, thermal insulation and interior design.

WAYNERR® building and interior design materials offer a proposal for healthy, cost-effective, safe, quiet and low-maintenance building and interior design.
WAYNERR® is an innovative and unique technology, patented after more than 40 years of research towards the invention of a material with excellent physical and chemical properties, produced with sustainable principles.


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12:40 - 13:00


PORTA PRO: Support tools for Architects to make everyday work easier.

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13:00 - 14.00

Aurora Technika Świetlna - Katarzyna Tworek

Lighting in interior design - personalisation and technical performance.

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14:00 - 14:30

Świat kominków - Dariusz Marciniak

Awards ceremony - Flame of the Year

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14:30 - 15:30

Lignumsoft Adam Wileński
Bill Tsai

Official launch of AiHouse design software.

speaker portrait

15:30 - 16:00

Nowodvorski Lighting sp. z o.o. - Łukasz Jaworski

From user need to finished product. The 10 most important principles of the design process!

Main Stage | Hall F

from 1:30 p.m., lectures take place in the Exhibition Studio, Hall C

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10:30 - 11:00

Forner - Jacek Grochowski

New trends in the furniture materials market.

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11:00 - 12:00

Ampio - Wojciech Michnowicz
Robert Majkut

Ampio automation - the dot that gives happiness

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12:00 - 12:40

WAYNERR® Swiss - Dr. Vladas Snieckus
WAYNERR® Polska - Remigiusz Kuczuba

WAYNERR® - innovative Swiss products for interior design and healthy housing.

During the presentation, you will learn more about the innovative WAYNERR® technology dedicated to construction, thermal insulation and interior design.

WAYNERR® building and interior design materials offer a proposal for healthy, cost-effective, safe, quiet and low-maintenance building and interior design.
WAYNERR® is an innovative and unique technology, patented after more than 40 years of research towards the invention of a material with excellent physical and chemical properties, produced with sustainable principles.


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12:40 - 13:00

Biuro styl - Izabella Szczepkowska

Acoustics and design as an inseparable duo. The art of sound in public building architecture.

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13:00 - 13:20

Biuro styl - Wiktoria Krzyżanowska

Selection criteria and customer decision-making process in the area of floor coverings.

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13:30 - 14:00

Interior Invest - Mateusz Gołąb
Interior Invest - Marcin Obrzeżgiewicz

In harmony between aesthetics and durability - key criteria when designing floors in private and commercial spaces

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14:00 - 14:30

Studio of simple forms - Agnieszka Polkowska-Ignaciuk

One hundred years after the International Exhibition of Decorative Arts and Modern Industry in Paris.

On a daily basis, she surrounds architects and interior designers with care, builds positive communication and implements high standards in sales processes. She has been involved in the furniture industry for 15 years, looking for new solutions, materials and companies that effectively meet human needs related to design.


Trade Fair Studio | Hall C

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10:45 - 11:15

Mateusz Parka
Paweł Wieczorek

Sales in the construction market - why are companies cannibalising sales potential in the battle for networks - at the expense of the traditional channel, and why are they afraid of longer warranties?

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11:15 - 12:00

LOONARI - Marek Ganc

Busbars in lighting, overview of available solutions.

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12:00 - 12:20

Baranska Design - Edyta Barańska
Tadeusz Kostrzak

Modern art glass chandeliers, application, design.

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12:30 - 13:00

Interior Invest - Hanna Baryś
Interior Invest - Mateusz Gołąb

Turnkey Interiors - Effective Solutions for Efficient Design and Implementation

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13:00 - 14:00

Aurora Technika Świetlna

Lighting in interior design - personalisation and technical performance.

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14:00 - 14:30

Prosperplast marka Ferne - Szymon Mrózek

Presentation of the brand and its products.

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14:30 - 15:00

PANELCO.ART - Krzysztof Dmochewicz

Ambient lighting - luminous stone and ‘ARTlight’ (luminous images)

You are cordially invited to an exclusive presentation of a NEW product in the ambient lighting category: designer LED panels that harmoniously combine natural stone, artistic glass, photography and advanced LED lighting technology.

A presentation dedicated to interior architects, lighting designers and luxury showroom owners looking for sophisticated, elegant solutions for their projects.
Our LED panels are ideal for homes, flats, restaurants, hotels and spa spaces, where they bring a warm, atmospheric atmosphere, making any space luxurious.


Trade Fair Studio | Hall C

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11:00 - 11:30

Simple Forms Studio - Agnieszka Polkowska-Ignaciuk

Fashion in furniture - how furniture buildings are worn today.

Useful tools and materials to make your interior your own.


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11:30 - 12:00

Farfa - Sylwia Pyrtej

Mirrors: From Glass Remnants to Artistic Revolution

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12:00 - 12:30

Toyota Jaworski Auto Włocławek - Tomasz Wojtalik

Napędzimy Twój Biznes - Toyota Jaworski Auto Włocławek.”

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12:30 - 13:00

TMSYS - Małgorzata Piłat

ArchLine: An innovative approach to interior and architectural design - new functions and practical applications

Speakers' comments

See what else we have prepared

Celebrating Excellence: Medal Awards Ceremony

This event honors the best of the best, highlighting their contributions to the industry’s development and showcasing the most advanced solutions in the following categories:

Trade Fair Premiere: Recognition for exhibitors who introduced innovative products or services at the fair, presenting them to the public for the first time.

Innovation: An award for companies that have presented groundbreaking technologies or solutions with the potential to revolutionize the industry.

Trade Fair Display: A prize awarded for exceptional booth design and aesthetics that stand out for their creativity and attract visitors’ attention.

The trade fair studio

We invite you to the Trade Fair Studio, where during exclusive interviews with industry experts and outstanding exhibitors, you will learn about the latest trends and innovative solutions. In this inspiring environment, market leaders will share their experiences and visions for the future, providing valuable insights and knowledge. The Trade Fair Studio is also connected with the Medal Award Ceremony, where distinguished exhibitors are honored, adding prestige to the event and highlighting the importance of innovation and excellence in the industry..

Inspiring conversations and new opportunities – the networking zone awaits!

The B2B Networking Zone is an extension of the conference, offering participants a unique opportunity to engage in direct discussions with speakers and other industry experts. In this zone, attendees can exchange insights, ask questions, and establish valuable business connections in a more informal atmosphere.

Join us to deepen your knowledge, continue the inspiring discussions from the conference, and form valuable relationships that can benefit both you and your company!